Hello everyone! We hope this post finds you and your family safe and healthy!
We have some exciting news to share with you. The Autism Faith Network is now an official nonprofit! We will be applying soon for our 501c3 status and hope to have that approved by April 2021!
This transition has been in the works for many years now. The Autism Faith Network has been a ministry of our founder, Tonya Nash, since 2016. Obtaining nonprofit status will allow for the expansion of our efforts to reach an even larger audience. We are very excited about this next step and are excited about all that is to come!
Let me be the first to introduce you to our board members!

Click here to learn more about our board members. We look forward to serving the community and achieving great things in 2021!
Please make sure that you subscribe to our mailing list so that you can stay updated for all that is in store! You can find the subscribe section at the bottom of our homepage.
Be blessed and thank you for your support!