Don’t forget to join us for our FREE upcoming webinar on Sunday, April 18th at 4pm EST! We will be interviewing Dr. Lamar Hardwick and discussing his new book, “Disability and the Church: A Vision for Diversity and Inclusion.” You can register for this webinar by visiting!

I’ve learned a lot from Dr. Hardwick over the years from his various sermons and conference presentations. I’ve been waiting on this book and he did not disappoint! Here is a thought-provoking quote from the book:

Who are the persons with disabilities in your church who are leading the way in teaching your congregation, not just by sharing how to be good to disabled people but by being given the platform to share the gospel?

Our churches need to be environments where learning about disabilities and learning from people with disabilities is normal and seen as something that is needed for the health, strength, and vitality of God’s ever expanding kingdom.

Dr. Lamar Hardwick

Dr. Hardwick is an important voice in this movement as an autistic self-advocate and pastor. We can’t wait to have this very much needed discussion about disability and the church! We are hosting this webinar as part of our annual Accessible Faith Initiative. Make sure that you register today!