We are excited to announce our upcoming webinar, How to Start a Disability Ministry. The webinar will take place on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 1:00pm EST. Our special guest panelists will be Sandra Peoples and Jillian Palmiotto. This webinar is taking place as part of our annual Accessible Faith Initiative. Register to join us on Zoom by visiting: https://bit.ly/disabilityministry.
Topics discussed will include:
- where to find helpful curriculum and teaching ideas
- ways to work around limited funds and space
- serving disabled persons outside of the four walls
- helpful ways to support caregivers
- and much more!
Sandra and Jillian have extensive experience with starting and leading disability ministries. They have led special needs ministry conferences and served as guest speakers at a variety of disability-related events.
About Sandra Peoples

Sandra Peoples, M.Div, is a special-needs mom and sibling. She and her family live outside of Houston, TX where she serves her church as the Inclusion Coordinator for Special Needs Families. She is the Special Needs Ministry Consultant for the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention. In that role, she helps churches around the state start and strengthen their disability ministries. Sandra also teaches a disability ministry cohort through Gospel Centered Family twice a year. She enjoys traveling around the country to encourage special needs parents and support disability ministry leaders at conferences such as Wonderfully Made in Kansas City and Inclusion Fusion Live in Cleveland, OH. She co-hosts the All Access conference, which is held in the Houston area.
Sandra is the author of Unexpected Blessings: The Joys and Possibilities of Life in a Special-Needs Family and host of the podcast, Self Care and Soul Care for the Caregiver. You can connect with her at sandrapeoples.com. We are excited about all of the nuggets of wisdom that Sandra will provide!
About Jillian Palmiotto

Jillian Palmiotto is a disability ministry leader with 10 years of experience in full-time vocational ministry. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and a Master’s Degree in Inclusive Special Education for K-12th grade. Jillian is also a licensed minister and the founder of the Unlimited Special Needs Ministry at a large church in Atlanta, GA. In 2016, Jillian began the Together Conference, a national training conference that equips leaders to include students with disabilities in faith communities.
Jillian has a passion for creating inclusive environments where people with special needs and disabilities feel accepted, welcomed, have a sense of belonging, and are encouraged to lead and serve others. She is now the Executive Director of a parachurch organization, Together We Care, that continues to assist churches in creating specialized ministries and provides resources to families who are impacted by disability.
Spread the word!
Please share information about this webinar with others! We look forward to this important conversation, which will better equip places of worship to serve those with disabilities and their families!