awareness | acceptance | inclusion

Welcome to the Autism Faith Network

“If there’s any space that should be equipped to welcome autistic people, it should be places of worship.”

—Tonya Nash, Founder of the Autism Faith Network

Upcoming Event

Accessible Faith Initiative

We will soon be announcing activities for our 2024 Accessible Faith Initiative! This is our 9th year hosting this event and we want this to be our best year yet! Activities will kickoff in April in honor of Autism Acceptance Month.

New Resource

2024 Activity Toolkit

Did you know that going to church can be difficult for autistic persons and their families? The lighting, sounds, crowds and social expectations can be very overwhelming without proper support.

New Resource

2023 Prayer Guide

We believe that it is important to nurture the faith of children through worship and prayer. This belief includes children with disabilities, and we are happy that you are partnering with us to spread this important message.


Our History

The Autism Faith Network began in 2016 with the goal of equipping faith-based communities to become more autism friendly. Here’s how it got started.


Our Mission

We seek to spread autism awareness, acceptance and inclusion in local and faith-based communities all over the world! Learn more about our mission and goals.


Our Participants

Over 74 churches have participated in the Autism Faith Network since 2016! We hope to partner with more in the coming year! See if one of our churches is near you!

Our Latest Blog Articles

Free Webinars and Toolkits

Free Webinars and Toolkits

This is an exciting week for the Autism Faith Network! Have you heard about our FREE webinars and toolkits? We have a webinar coming up on Wednesday and a special announcement that will take place on Friday. Also, places of worship have one more week to download one...

How to Develop Curriculum for Your Disability Ministry

How to Develop Curriculum for Your Disability Ministry

Join us for a special webinar on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 1pm EST! We will be discussing, "How to Develop Curriculum for Your Disability Ministry." Ryan Wolfe, President of Ability Ministry, will be our special guest. You don't want to miss all of the helpful...

Autism Awareness Activities for Places of Worship

Autism Awareness Activities for Places of Worship

April is Autism Awareness Month! We have several activities planned that promote awareness, acceptance, and inclusion. These activities are part of our annual Accessible Faith Initiative, which helps places of worship to become more autism friendly. These events...

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